Wednesday, April 8th 2020 Reporter: Rezki Apriliya Iskandar Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 2399
(Foto: Istimewa)
As reported before, the city administration issued the implementation of the large scale social restrictions (PSBB) that will be effective on the upcoming Friday through Jakarta Governor's statement on a press release yesterday evening.
We will also restrict its operational hours from 6 AM to 6 PM
Besides mass-gathering limitation, the Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan would limit the number of citizens taking public transportation up to 50 percent during the Covid-19 pandemic.
"We will also restrict its operational hours from 6 AM to 6 PM," he expressed, as quoted by Jakarta PPID's press release.
As for the app-based four-wheeled and conventional taxis are still allowed to carry passengers yet its number is limited, including the delivery services.
"Especially for online ojek (motorcycle taxi) is still being discussed deeply," he explained.
Despite there are no restrictions on private vehicles, they should continue to maintain physical distancing for passengers.
"That means the vehicles limit the number of passengers. But, in general, private vehicles are not restricted. We will do massive socialization for two days before being implemented on Friday," he told.
Related with transportation sector, he previously directed the leaders of Transjakarta, MRT and LRT to impose the use of masks to all passengers according to Governor's Call number 9/2020 on the use of Mask, which will be effective on Sunday (4/12). Passengers not wearing masks should be refused service.
"These efforts ar
e made to cutting the chain of COVID-19 infection in the capital," he closed.