City's Regional Tax Revenue Reaches Rp 26 Trillion

Thursday, November 5th 2020 Reporter: Adriana Megawati Translator: Nugroho Adibrata 993

Per 4 November 2020, Realisasi Pajak Daerah di DKI Capai 26 Triliun

(Foto: doc)

Realization of revenue from 13 types of regional taxes as of November 4 has reached Rp 26 trillion.

We're very optimistic that we can achieve the target by the end of the year

Jakarta Regional Earnings Board (Bapenda) Head Mohammad Tsani Annafari said, after passing through refocusing stage in October, regional tax revenue target increased to Rp 30.93 trillion from the previous at Rp 29.3 trillion.

"In October, there was refocusing on 13 local taxes. Realization of the highest tax contributor was PBB-P2, around Rp 7.6 trillion from the target by Rp. 9.4 trillion," he said, Thursday (11/5).

From 13 types of regional taxes, he furthered, the highest realization was from the vehicle tax (PKB) Rp 6.5 trillion from the target by 8 trillion, property transfer fee (BPHTB) Rp 3.1 trillion from the target by Rp 5 trillion, vehicle ownership transfer fees (BBNKB) Rp 3 trillion from the target by Rp 3.7 trillion.

There were also restaurant tax Rp 1.6 trillion from the target by Rp 1.8 trillion, motor vehicle fuel tax (PBBKB) Rp 829 billion from the target RP 950 billion, billboard tax Rp 652 billion from the target by Rp 775 billion, cigarette tax Rp 651 billion from the target by Rp 690 billion and streetlight tax (PPJ) Rp 851 billion from the target by Rp 775 billion.

Then hotel tax Rp 625 billion from the target by Rp 675 billion, parking tax Rp 287 billion from the target by Rp 325 billion and entertainment tax Rp 211 billion from the target by Rp 215 billion.

"Groundwater tax is about Rp 61 billion from the target by Rp 75 billion. We're very optimistic that we can achieve the target by the end of the year," he stressed.

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